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and to that end develop the anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist, world solidarity movement.

The actual international situation is favorable.

On the one hand, it is a fact that the objective interests of the peoples of the oppressed countries and the peoples of the oppressing countries are similar- they are against the interests of the ruling classes in the oppressing countries.

But beyond this-and this is important-this objective reality, through difficult struggles and long and diverse experience, has become a consciousness among the vast majority of the popular masses.

This is what explains the big movements of international solidarity which are seen in relation to the peoples of Indochina, or the black population of the United States. This is also what explains the vast international movement of solidarity and favor of the peoples of the Portuguese colonies.

international struggle

The world movement of solidarity and favor of the people of the Portuguese colonies is nothing but the internal nationalization of the struggle against Portuguese colonialism and imperialism- determined by the imperialist character of the Portuguese colonial war of aggression.

The development and success of the confrontation depends on the capacity of mobilization of the people's energies and of the organization of action- the coordination among all anti-imperialist forces. The alliance between nationalist forces and the progressive forces of the whole world is a necessity, a decisive factor for the victory of the people's aspirations and its realization is today very possible. But what is necessary is to organize coordination of action. It is essential to define the tasks of each and every one- of the nationalist forces of the solidarity movement.

 The nationalist movement is a detachment in the front line, the solidarity movement is the rear guard and support base whose objectives must be to give all the necessary support in all fields to the detachment and the advanced guard.




In our times the National Liberation movement has proved itself to be one of the main forces in the world revolutionary process, as well as an important factor in social development. The struggle for National Liberation by the peoples of Africa and Asia has an important place in modern history. National Liberation requires that there be a profound change in the process of the development of productive forces, that is to say, it necessarily corresponds to a revolution. The objective condition in which this revolution takes place must be taken into account and the form (or forms) most suited to the achievement of revolution must be recognized. National Liberation takes place when all of the productive forces have been freed from every kind of foreign domination. The liberation of productive forces implies that there is a free choice of the mode of production, according to the evolution and concrete situation of the liberated people. Each people's right to self- determination is the basis of National Liberation. Imperialist domination is expressed and denying this historical process of the dominated people by means of oppression so as to prevent the development of productive forces.

Colonialism remains the origin of a great many conflicts, for it is marked by crime and continued disdain for the African. Millions of human beings still live under the colonial yoke of imperialism. Today, the whole world calls for an end to repression and the use of force against the people submitted to colonial regimes, and for support to the liberation movements and their legitimate struggle to suppress colonialism and all other forms of foreign domination quickly. International morality condemns all forms of oppression, racism and racial domination. Imperialism tries to maintain classic colonialism in Africa by means of Portugal and agreement with the minority races powers of South Africa and Rhodesia.

Cruz Pinto is a representative of PAICC (Partido Africano da Independence da Guine e Cabo Verde)