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which means "The Nation" is the official organ of the African National Congress of South Africa and is published monthly. Annual Subscription rates:
$6.00 per calendar year
$4.50 after end of March
$3.00 after end of June
$1.50 after end of Sept. 

Attractively printed photographic album showing life under apartheid and the struggle for freedom in South Africa. 
26 pages approx. 16" X 12" enclosed in an attractive cover. Printed in color and extensively captioned.
Price per copy 5 Dollars

records discussions and official statements by the African National Congress on the struggle for freedom in South Africa as well as documentation on problems confronting our people. Four issues published each year beginning with 1971.
Annual subscription rates $1.50

The strategy, tactics and program of the African National Congress
Price per copy 25¢

A short History                Price per copy 25¢

    49 Rathbone Street, London WIA 4NL, England
        Sample copies of SECHABA and
     SOUTH AFRICAN STUDIES available on request



Whatever Ghana is today, or will be tomorrow, is because of the vision, determination, courage and hard work of Kwame Nkrumah, who led the British Gold Coast Colony out of colonialism, took back the name of the ancient West African kingdom, and founded the Republic of Ghana. Now, at last, two months after his death, the body of this great African Liberator and Statesman is going home for burial. According to a communique issued June 15, President Sekou Touré, who has protected and honored Kwame Nkrumah in death as he had protected and cherished him in life, has consented to let the body leave Guinea where, surrounded with an honor guard, it lay in state. Thousands of white-robed mourners had filed past, after which the Guineans went on to console those faithful and loyal Ghanaians who had remained with their President throughout his long and painful exile.

Months before, President Touré had informed the present military regime of Ghana that Kwame Nkrumah was fatally ill and begged them to allow him to return home to die. They refused. When, however, he was dead, they sent a delegation to Guinea for the body. And President Touré would not let them take it because they would give no assurance that the Founder and late President of Ghana would be received and buried with all due honor. Indeed, during the last week in May, Colonel Acheampong, Chairman of the Council, stated on radio and television that "Dr. Nkrumah's" body could not be received for burial because compliance with President Touré's "conditions" would "negate the February, 1966 revolution" (the military coup which overthrew Nkrumah!) and this the "National Redemption Council" could not do because they believed in the February, 1966 revolution!

No amount of delayed eulogies, excuses or tears will ever wipe 

[[footnote]] Shirley Graham Du Bois, a founding editor of FREEDOMWAYS, is author, lecturer and composer. The widow of W. E. B. Du Bois, she is currently living in Cairo, Egypt. [[/footnote]]


Transcription Notes:
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