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Rubin, Neville. CAMEROUN: AN AFRICAN FEDERATION. New York: Praeger Publishers. $10,000 (Another book in the Praeger Library of African Affairs is Pierre Kalck's Central African Republic: A Failure in De-Colonization.)

Schwab, Peter (editor). BIAFRA. New York: Facts on File. 142 pages. $3.45 (paper). (Interim History Series).

Schwab, Peter (editor). ETHIOPIA & HAILE SELASSIE. New York: Facts on File. 151 pages. $3.95 (paper). (Interim History Series).

Shelton, Austin J. (editor). THE AFRICAN ASSERTION: A CRITICAL ANTHOLOGY OF AFRICAN LITERATURE. New York: Odyssey Press. 273 pages. $2.65 (paper).

Sithole, Ndabaningi. OBED MUTEZO: THE MUDZIMU CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST. Foreword by Kenneth D. Kaunda. New York: Oxford University Press. vii, 210 pages. $6.00 (paper). (A book about a Black African Christian nationalist of Rhodesia and his struggles with others for Black African freedom there. Rev. Sithole is president of the Zimbabwe African National Union. Mutezo is a district treasurer. This book was written in and smuggles out of Salisbury Prison. Rev. Sithole also wrote the best-selling book African Nationalism [Oxford University Press, 1968] and a novel The Polygamist [third Press: Viking, 1972].)

Smirnow, S. R. (editor). A HISTORY OF AFRICA, 1918-1967. Nauka Publishing House (Institute of African Studies, Academy of Sciences), Moscow. 540 pages. $3.25 (cloth). (this book is in english and can be obtained from Four Continent Book Corp., 156 Fifth Avenue, New York.)

Smith, Robert S. KINGDOMS OF THE YORUBA. New York: Barnes and Noble. $5.00 (cloth); $2.75 (paper). (Another study of the Yoruba is N. A. Fadipe's The Sociology of the Yoruba [University of Ibadan Press, Nigeria].)

Smith, William Edgett. WE MUST RUN WHILE THEY WALK: A PORTRAIT OF AFRICA'S JULIUS NYERERE. New York: Random House. 296 pages. $7.95. (Nyerere is president of Tanzania. Another book about an earlier Tanzanian figure is Norman R. Bennett's Mirambo of Tanzania, 1840-1884 [Oxford University Press, 1970].)

Snowden, Jr., Frank M. BLACKS IN ANTIQUITY: ETHIOPIANS IN THE GRECO-ROMAN EXPERIENCE. Cambridge: Balknap Pres: Harvard University. 577 pages. Over 140 illustrations. $12.50. (The author, a Black professor at Howard University, shows that the "Ethiopians" in classical antiquity were neither glorified nor caricatured; that Blacks were considered by pagan and Christian without prejudice. They held may different jobs. Thoroughly documented. Africa in Classical Antiquity [1969] edited by L. A. Thompson and J. Ferguson covers the same period and beyond.)

SOUTHERN AFRICA: A TIME FOR CHANGE. New York: Friendship Press. 96 pages. $1.95 (paper). (This is a picture and text book about heavily American investments in southern Africa which support terror, murder and fierce op-



pression in South Africa, South West Africa, Mozambique-Angola and Rhodesia. A hard-hitting, church produced book. [Available from FREEDOMWAYS])

Soyinka, Wole. THE INTERPRETERS. New York: Africana Publishing Corp. 254 pages. $8.00. (A reprint of a novel by the outstanding Nigerian playwright and poet and author of Five Plays [Oxford University Press], Idanre and Other Poems [Hill and Wang] and the also just published book of poems S Shuttle in the Crypt [Hill and Wang, $6.95; $2.95].)

Stokke, Olav (editor)REPORTING AFRICA: IN AFRICAN AND INTERNATIONAL MASS MEDIA. New York: Africana Publishing Corp. 223 pages. $9.50. 

SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: A GUIDE TO SERIALS. Washington, D.C.: The Library of Congress. xx 409 pages. $5.25.

Thompson, Vincent Bakpetu. AFRICA AND UNITY: THE EVOLUTION OF AFRICANISM. New York: Humanities Press. xix, 412 pages. $10.00.

Tindall, P.E.N. A HISTORY OF CENTRAL AFRICAN POEMS. New York: Eakins Press. $4.95 (cloth; $2.95 (paper).

UNESCO. AFRICA: SURVEY ON THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL POTENTIAL OF THE COUNTRIES OF AFRICA. Paris, France: UNESCO. Disturbed by UNIPUB, P.O. Box 433, New York 10016. 296 pages. $6.00 (paper).

U Tam'si, Tchicaya. SELECTED POEMS. Translated by Gerald Moore. New York: Humanities Press. xvi, 143 pages. $1.50 (paper). (Congolese author of many books of poetry.)

Wassing, Rene S AFRICAN ART: ITS BACKGROUND AND TRADITION. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. $25.00.

Wastberg, Per (editor) THE WRITER IN MODERN AFRICA: AFRICAN-SCANDINAVIAN WRITERS'CONFERENCE. New York: Africana Publishing Corp. $2.95 (paper).

Wauthier, Claude. THE LITERATURE AND THOUGHT OF MODERN AFRICA: A SURVEY. New York: Praeger Publishers. 323 pages. $8.50.

Weinstein, Brian. EBOUE. New York: Oxford University Press. Illus. $8.95 (cloth); $2.95. (paper). (A biography of Felix Eboue, a Black Governor General of French Equatorial Africa.)

Welsh, David. THE ROOTS OF SEGREGATION: NATIVE POLICY IN NATAL. New York Oxford University Press. 381 pages. $14.00.

Were, Gideon S. and Derek A. Wilson. EAST AFRICA THROUGH A THOUSAND YEARS: A HISTORY OF THE YEARS A.D. 1000 TO THE PRESENT DAY. New York: Africana Publishing Co. viii, 344 pages. $9.50 (cloth); $4.50 (paper).


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