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Willet, Frank. AFRICAN ART. New York: Praeger Publishers. 288 pages. $8.50 (cloth); $4.95 (paper).

Woodson, Carter G. THE AFRICAN BACKGROUND OUTLINED: OR, HANDBOOK FOR THE STUDY OF THE NEGRO. Westport, Conn.: Negro Universities Press, 478 pages. Maps. $15.00. (This is a reprint of a scarce 1936 book which Woodson had to publish himself at that time.)

Woronoff, Jon. ORGANIZING AFRICAN UNITY. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press. 703 pages. $15.00 (A book about Pan-Africanism, the Organization of African Unity, etc.)

Yerby, Frank. THE DAHOMEAN. New York: Dial Press. 383. $7.95. (A historical novel about the African country of Dahomey by the well-known Black American novelist.)

Zaslavsky, Claudia. AFRICAN NUMBERS AND PATTERNS. Boston, Mass.: Prindle, Weber & Schmidt. (This is probably the first full-length book in recent times on African mathematics and is an important contribution. Parts of this book were published earlier in A Current Bibliography on African Affairs [Jan. 1972], The Mathematics Teacher [Apr. 1970] and in The Two-
Year College Mathematics Journal [Fall 1970]. Black prisoner writer Frank E. Chapman, Jr's "Science and Africa" [FREEDOMWAYS, Summer 1966] is listed
in the book's bibliography and quoted from. Another recent book is J. Gay and M. Cole's The New Mathematics and an Old Culture: A Study of Learning Among the Kpelle of Liberia [Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967.] 

Zell, Hans M. and Helene Silver (editors). A READER'S GUIDE TO AFRICAN
LITERATURE. With contributions by Barbara Abrash and Gideon-Cyrus M. Mutiso. New York: Africana Publishing Co. xxi, 218 pages $12.50 (cloth); $4.95 (paper). (This book consists of bibliographies of the works of African writers in English and in French [listed under countries] and including individual works and anthologies creative and non-fiction including politically committed works; critical books and articles on African literature; children's books by African authors; a listing of African periodicals, literary and other; and biographies of African authors with photographs.)


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