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Years" is echoed across the land as bombs continue to drop upon the Vietnamese people and police bullets claim two more student victims, this time in Baton Rouge.  Four more years of Orangeburgs, Kent States, Atticas, Jackson States and Soledads.  The poet Carl Sandburg once quoted Lincoln saying at the time of Civil War, that "the slaveholders are threatening to snuff out the moral lights around us."  And so it is today, the most reactionary sections of big business and the military are "threatening to snuff the moral lights around us."

Yet this need not happen if the twenty-eight million voters who voted against these policies in the recent elections take up the challenge and commit themselves to reverse the present course of affairs.  And this twenty-eight million must reach out to win new allies and activate and bring into the political arena the sixty million eligible voters who did not go the polls in this last election.  That's the majority that can arrest the present deterioration and decaying process.  Massive political mobilizations in connection with the mayoral elections in such large cities as Los Angeles, Detroit, New York, New Orleans and Atlanta in 1973 are steps in meeting this new challenge.

The Editors