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RECENT BOOKS                KAISER


Dorman, Michael. THE MAKING OF A SLUM. New York: Delacorte Press. $6.95. (A white journalist and author of We Shall Overcome [1964] about the southern civil rights struggle of the early 1960's here shows how Hunts Point in New York City, a middle-class white community, has become a terrible Black slum. Dorman offers solutions to the urban crisis slum problems of our decaying cities.) 

Emery, Lynne Fauley. BLACK DANCE IN THE UNITED STATES FROM 1619 TO 1970. Foreword by Katherine Dunham. National Press Books, 850 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, Calif. 94304. x, 370 pages. (Each chapter is heavily documented and there is a 24-page bibliography listing all of the various types of sources used. A similar book is Jazz Dance: The Story of American Vernacular Dance [1968] by Marshall and Jean Stearns. A very useful bibliography that includes literature is Doris E. Abramson's "Black Drama: An Annotated Bibliography" in Report [Vol. 4, No. 2, May 1972, pp. 23-38], a magazine published by the Department of Speech of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.)

Forman, James. THE MAKING OF BLACK REVOLUTIONARIES: A PERSONAL ACCOUNT. New York: Macmillan. 568 pages. $12.50. (This is the autobiography of Forman, an executive secretary of SNCC in the 1960's and later a leader of the movement demanding reparations for Blacks from the white churches.)

Foster, Pops. POPS FOSTER: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A NEW ORLEANS JAZZMAN as told to Tom Stoddard. Introduction by Bertram Turetsky. Interchapters by Ross Russell. Discography by Brian Rust. Berkeley: University of California Press. xxii, 208 pages. (Foster, the great Black bass player, died in 1969 at the age of 77 in San Francisco, Calif.)

Garrett, Romeo B. FAMOUS FIRST FACTS ABOUT NEGROES. New York: Arno Press. $7.95. (Here are the contributions of Blacks in law, government, education, music, literature, medicine, sports, religion, civil rights, theater, etc.-names, dates, places-all the historical facts.)

Gates, J. M. REFLECTIONS. Portland, Ore.: Press-22. 57 pages. $4.00. (A book of poetry by a Black author. Another book of poetry by Gates is Silhouettes.) 

Gayle, Jr., Addison. CLAUDE Mc KAY: THE BLACK POET. Detroit: Broadside Press. 46 pages. $1.50 (paper). (Recent books of poetry published by Broadside Press are Jill Witherspoon's The Broadside Annual 1972: Introducing New Black Poets, Arthur Pfister's Beer Cans, Bullets, Things & Pieces, Arthur Boze's Black Words, C. E. Cannon's Saint Nigger, Alvin Aubert's Against the Blues, Four Poems by four poets and Pearl Cleage Lomax's We Don't Need No Music.)

Giovanni, Nikki. MY HOUSE. New York: William Morrow. 69 pages. $5.95. (Another book of peotry by the well-known black woman author of Black Feeling, Black Talk, Black Judgment, Re:Creation and Gemini: An Extended Autobiographical Statement.)

Grant, Robert Lee with Carl Gardner. THE STAR SPANGLED HUSTLE. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. 240 pages. $7.50 (cloth); $2.95 (paper). (The autobiography of a high ranking Black in the Nixon Administration who lost his job in the Model Cities program when he spoke out against Vice President Agnew's critical comments on Black leaders in the U.S. who oppose