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the Nixon policies.)

Green, Gerald. BLOCKBUSTER. New York: Doubleday. 417 pages. $7.95. (An angry novel about those real estate men who use obscene phone calls, unexplained fires and other forms of harassment and terror to force whites to leave neighborhoods so that these realtors can buy cheap and sell high to Blacks moving in.)

Gregg, Ernest. Pictures by G. Falcon Beazer. AND THE SUN GOD SAID: THAT'S HIP. New York: Harper & Row. $4.95. (A book of poetry)

Halliburton, Warren. THE PICTURE LIFE OF JESSE JACKSON. New York: Franklin Watts. 47 pages. $3.50. (Halliburton is the Black co-author with William L. Katz of American Majorities and Minorities: A Syllabus of United States History for Secondary Schools [1970] and is completing a book on Harlem for the Doubleday Zenith series for children.)

Halsell, Grace. BLACK/WHITE SEX. Introduction by Winthrop D. Jordan. New York: William Morrow. $5.95. (Halsell passed for Black in order to write Soul Sister [1969]. She is mistaken in her view that the white man's fear of the Black man as sexual competitor lies at the root of racism. It is the economic exploitations of Blacks that lies at the root of racism.)

Harlan, Louis R. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON: THE MAKING OF A BLACK LEADER, 1856-1901. New York: Oxford University Press. xi, 379 pages. $10.95. (This is volume one of a biography of Washington. Harlan is the editor of The Booker T. Washington Papers in several volumes. Other recent books on Washington are Arna Bontemps's Young Booker: The Story of Booker T. Washington's Early Days [Dodd, Mead] and Bernard A. Weisberger's Booker T. Washington [New American Library].)

Harris, Sheldon H. PAUL CUFFEE: BLACK AMERICA AND THE AFRICAN RETURN. New York: Simon and Schuster. $9.95 (cloth); $3.95 (paper). (Johanna Johnston's Paul Cuffee: America's First Black Captain [1979], illustrated by black artist Elton C. Fax, is for young people.)

Hayden, Robert. THE NIGHT-BLOOMING CEREUS. London: Paul Breman Ltd. Distributed by Broadside Press, Detroit, Mish. 16 pages. $2.00 (paper). (Another volume in this series of books by Black poets. Hayden is author or editor of many books including A Ballad of Remembrance [1962] earlier in this series. The late Conrad Kent River's The Still Voice of Harlem is also in this series along with James W. Thompson's First Fire.)

Hayford, Fred Kwesi. INSIDE AMERICA. Acropolis Books Ltd., 2400-17th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009. $6.95. (A black African diplomat speaks out here on American race and racism.)

Henderson, Jr., Lenneal J. (editor). BLACK POLITICAL LIFE IN THE UNITED STATES. Scranton, Pa.: Chandler Publishing Co.273 pages. $4.95 (paper).

Hercules, Frank. AMERICAN SOCIETY AND BLACK REVOLUTION. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. ix, 345 pages. $12.95. (Hercules is a black now American writer who migrated to the U.S. from the West Indies. His two novels are Where the Hummingbird Flies [1961] and I Want a Black Doll [1967].)

Hill, Robert B. THE STRENGTHS OF BLACK FAMILIES. Foreword by Andrew Billingsley. New York: Emerson Hall Publishers. 76 pages. $5.95 (cloth); $1.95 (paper). (This book says that Black families' structure and 


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