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Like a song dissolved in longing,
Tearing apart the drapes of evening
Destroying the spring of sighs.

The joy of the days in my cell
Embraces darkness; and my silence
Annuls the blade of the torturer
The thief of my childhood dreams
I will turn back at him in the day's heat.

The prison is a brief cloud,
The bitter winds
Of a cold journey
We must accomplish.
Our road is wrapped in sighs
Tears and thorns in all
That dark claws can knit.

But our love shall triumph
At the end of the road. There
We will meet our sun,
Its fire shall enter every house
Fill every crack.
The sun shall flood
Mountains, hills and plains
Beloved, as we are its children
This shall certainly come about.

As I sat in a corner of my cell
Lacing picked light, stretching
It to these lines, seed by seed,
I was struck with a child's joy
Beloved: because
With all the might of their hatred
Murdering Life
They forget they cannot
Put my mind in jail.

Fawzi Al Asmar


—I said it, as the beast wanted,
In the savagery of the investigation
Forgive me sister, beloved
I said 'Yes' not because I could not
hear the harsh pain
not because one of the barbarians
kept hammering my bloody head to the
investing torture, throwing me like a morsel
in the jaws of weakness
If this was all, I would have endured
with the patience of my stubborn pride
and the strength of faith and belief
But one face among them wanted to—
Sister forgive me for I still 
When I remember what I cannot say
But ten years of my life
Will be chewed by bars
Controlled by the jailor
I pay the atonement
For the moment of my surrender.

Fadwa Tukan

Passages from

I may—if you wish—lose my livelihood
I may sell my shirt and bed.
I may work as a stone cutter
A street sweeper, a porter.
I may clean your stores
Or rummage your garbage for food
I may lie down hungry,
Enemy of the sun
I shall not compromise
And to the last pulse in my veins
I shall resist.

You may take the last strip of my land
Feed my youth to prison cells
You may plunder my heritage.
You may burn my books, my poems
Or feed my flesh to the dogs.
You may spread a web of terror
On the roofs of my village,
Enemy of the sun
I shall not compromise
And to the last pulse in my veins
I shall resist.

Samih Al Kasim


Dark, motionless, he stood
Eyes fixed on barbed wire
Swimming in distant lights.