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LOOK HOMEWARD BABY                            HARRINGTON
"Now wait a minute, I aint finished," the Professor commanded. 
"Lycurgus' tears fell on the ground and sprung up cabbages...."
"Hold it right there Fess. I know damn well I did not eat no cabbage."
"Oh yes you did. Cabbages, or Brassica oleracea variety capitata acephala, which also include kale and collards. That's what you ett.
You just had a platterful of Brassica oleracea var. capitata acephala, brother!"
The crestfallen gourmet turned to the bartender and said, "Whew! That mother is DEEP!"
Everybody had a drink including the bartender who then asked, "Hey Fess, what's all this crap about the white folks gettin' ready to drop the THING on the Russians?"
The professor pushed his sun glasses further down his nose to get a better look at his chastened audience. "You talkin' about the domino theory," he said. "Well, it's like this. This downtown Wall Street cat, name of John Foster Dulles. He went and volunteered to be the Secretary of the State. In that capacity he been conductin' some top secret experiments where he done found out that if you pushes one domino over on top of some other dominoes, they gon' topple over too!"
The bartender gazed at the Professor for several seconds. Then he blurted, "Look Professor, I thought you said he was a Wall Street man. Now what a Wall Streat man doin' fugggginnnarounnn with some dominoes?"
"My man," answered the Professor, "You done just asked the sixty'fo' dollar question!"

To be continued in the next issue of FREEDOMWAYS