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in a worldwide campaign of totalitarian aggression composed of communist subversion and Soviet expansion.9

A few months later, speaking at Harvard College in June, George Marshall disclosed the essence of what was to become the famed Marshall Plan: "... Europe must not only recover, it must recover in a way that would preserve it as a market for American goods, lest the entire economy suffer a set-back that would jeopardize the free enterprise system." "10 The mesage [[message]] was crystal clear: to combat the communist menace Germany and Western Europe would have to be consolidated under the hegemony of the United States. Reinforcing this doctrine in October of the same year and moving rapidly to shift that psychological balance of public opinion, Truman in a radio address declared there was an impending crisis about to engulf both France and Italy, warning that "totalitarian pressures" were distinctly possible during the winter if emergency assistance were not approved.11

By now the anti-communist campaign was in full gear. Not only did Truman move to implement a foreign policy that was founded on anti-communism, but concomitantly his foreign policy called for a new form of Red Scare at home.

As the campaign for foreign aid developed pressures on the Administration to take vigorous steps in the field of internal security remained intense. The most important sources of these pressures were Congress and the Justice Department. While the congressional battle over the Marshall Plan denied Truman the option of resisting their demands, complying with them would support the effort for foreign aid.12

red hysteria fostered by truman administration

The seeds for the new Red Scare grew out of the Truman Doctrine. In this short work, it is impossible to convey the intensity of the frightening mood that would soon sweep the country. For the moment, it must simply be underscored that Truman spearheaded a domestic loyalty and security program that essentially led to the "red under the bed" complex across the nation.

To garner increased support for its Cold War doctrine, the Truman Administration decided on a policy of domestic purification. Purification meant total acceptance of American foreign policy. Using a new approach to determine Americanism, the Attorney General


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 08:45:02