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point. These arms were ultimately used against India for it is evident from an examination of the resources of Pakistan that it would have been incapable of engaging in war not only against India over Kashmir in the 50's and 60's but also against both East Bengal and India in the 70's without such U.S. military assistance. 

U.S. intervention
In regard to the situation in Bangladesh and even during the December war, the U.S. openly backed Pakistan at the cost of basic human values. Furthermore, the U.S. even dispatched the warship Enterprise to support the military dictatorship of Pakistan and to intimidate the Indian democracy. Further exacerbating the relations between the U.S. and India, the Nixon Administration suspended 87.6 million dollars in aid to India last year. In spite of the above actions India left the door open for rapprochement. To quote Indira: "We do not believe in permanent estrangements." Since India emerged from the war as the unquestioned dominant power in South Asia, any future relationship with the U.S. will have to be based on equality and mutual respect. 

Today India is faced with the problem of a food shortage due to failure of the last monsoon. Although India has contracted with the U.S. for grain, she is using all available resources to overcome this latest crisis. But out of this difficulty comes inspiration from an untiring leader: "No nation when it makes up its mind to do a thing and do it unitedly can ever fail."

"A stable India is not only necessary for us and our development but equally necessary for the stability of Asia." India, under the leadership of Indira Gandhi, has made a tremendous impact upon bringing about both national and international stability. On fundamental questions such as disarmament, the abolition of nuclear weapons, the continuing struggle against colonialism and racialism, the widening gap between the haves and have nots, the war in Vietnam, the conflict in the Middle East, India's stand has been consistent over the years. Indira recognizes that India's social and economic progress and World Peace are indivisible. She is unwilling to compromise one at the expense of the other but is waging an endless struggle for the attainment of both. "We are human and do not always succeed; but as Mahatma Gandhi said, 'Satisfaction lies in the effort, not the attainment.'"

Indira Gandhi is not only unquestionably one of the most dynamic, versatile and courageous leaders in the history of India but also she


Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 17:10:02 Reviewed page fixed formatting left adjusted 1st line added paragraph line breaks back to review. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 17:04:57 Corrected Asian to Asia ---------- ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 18:21:26