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gives grudging praise to the prose of John Brown's final speech to the slaveholders' court that decreed his hanging, Woodward demurs. He approvingly quotes another white culture hero, his dedicatee Robert Penn Warren, as saying of Brown's address to the court (and to the country): "It was all so thin that it should not have deceived a child, but it deceived a generation."

Boyer's book, covering intensely and in detail the 55 years of John Brown's life preceding his first armed struggle, answers the question, who are the deceivers and who the deceived, by a fantastically successful assemblage of the facts disproving the racists' "lunacy" notion about Brown.

Howard N. Meyer


APARTHEID: A COLLECTION OF WRITINGS ON SOUTH AFRICAN RACISM BY SOUTH AFRICANS. Edited by Alex La Guma. International Publishers, New York. 245 pages. $1.65 (paper).

"APARTHEID" means, literally, "apart-ness," "separateness," and in the South African context means 'racial discrimination (and genocide)."

Documentary. Moving. Necessary. This collection by La Guma spells out the tasks of South Africans, in exile and at home. It spells out tasks and obligations for all progressive democratic forces operating in the the international arena for peace and change today. The people of South Africa have a special task and interest in dethroning retrograde apartheid. For "nowhere else today is racialism (racism) so blatantly and unashamedly embraced, so brutally imposed and enforced."

Chronolog: The evolution of apartheid into that of state policy and practice.

Chronolog: The heroic struggles of South African peoples, particularly the Africans.

Mandate: To bloom to full maturity: to socialism.

Approximate beginning: 1660, first period - resistance and survival - ending in  1910. Second period: 1910-1961 - militant non-violent movement. Third period: 1961 to present - armed struggle for national liberation.


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 16:14:53