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Their words are fires of the peoples' progressive forces. The poets speak. The heroic monumental struggle is proclaimed. Hear them speak:
"o where is the sea now, o where is home?"
-Arthur Nortje
"The spirits reward work, your labour and will
Through those difficult years have ascended and filled
Heaven with incense, as an offering. The rain
Be at peace is a blessing you earn."
-Cosmo Pieterse

 Herein lies the lilting lyricism of peasant workers, nurturing the crops/corps of freedom.
"brothering the flower
we wear
we swear
-Alex La Guma

Apartheid cannot stifle their cries.

The people assert with them "every [woman, man and] child is the inheritor of world culture to the full extent of mankind's present attainments, and should have access to this common heritage." But there are preventative laws. Such as:

The Native Land Act. Laws of terror and torture: Suppression of Communism Act. Laws of retardation: Bantu Authorities Act; Bantu Educational Act; Extension of University Education Act. Laws of detainment: Bantu Self-Government Act; Emergency Proclamation 400; All the Pass Laws. These Laws of murder and treachery bespeak horrors unequaled in human history. Apartheid discloses all. And we must know. Now. Today.

The root causes: Capitalism. Colonialism. Imperialism. 
"It is this combination of the worst features both of imperialism and of colonialism, within a single national frontier, which determines the special nature of the South African system of apartheid."

Solution: Formulating, enacting necessary steps for NATIONAL LIBERATION, DEMOCRATIZATION OF SOUTH AFRICA FOR ALL ITS INHABITANTS: ". . . all people should have equal right to use their own languages, and to develop their own folk culture and customs." 


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 13:22:19 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 16:17:22