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Exposé: "The white aristocracy of labor cannot be regarded as the moving force of the democratic revolution . . . they have become junior partners . . . of exploitation." This statement, though particular to South Africa, is also true of the Meanys of the labor aristocracy, also white, who have continually sold out all workers.

In South Africa the African National Congress is the major mass organization at work. Many have tried and have died for freedom. Nelson Mandela, a prominent figure of the A.N.C. and Congress Movement, is on trial for his life: The court: "and the South African Communist Party?" Mandela: "For many decades communists were the only political group in South Africa who were prepared to treat Africans as human beings and as their equals; who were prepared to eat with us, live with us and work with us. They were the only political group which was prepared to work with the Africans for the attainment of political rights and a stake in society. Because of this there are many Africans who today equate freedom with Communism."

This collection and body of work should be considered of paramount importance for reading, to the Afro-American Liberation Movement in particular. This work requires our thorough scrutiny and understanding. It offers insights into the similar, yet different, characters of both our oppressions. It outlines and details the role of all oppressed national minorities and progressive democratic whites. It teaches us how to fight together, particularly since America, like South Africa, is a multi-national country with its own brand and practice of Apartheid, racism. It teaches us to fight all narrow nationalism, both within our own liberation ranks as well as that pushed by the bourgeoisie: Separatism, Integration, Assimilation. It teaches us to form multi-national and class alliances in order to defeat monopoly capitalism, imperialism and neo-colonialism. It teaches us the need for international transcontinental alliances to counterpose the internationalization of monopoly capitalism. 

This book should become a handbook for all struggling to understand racism here and abroad. This should become a classic to the movement in general, to America in particular. The authors smoke-speak with fires of freedom desires. Have you read them, Pan-Africanists? Have you Cultural-Nationalists? Have you, Marxist-Leninists? Have you Democrats? If not, hear them, read them, speak them, learn from them. And fight with them, here and abroad. 

Antar Sudan Katara Mberi 


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 16:21:46