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RECENT BOOKS                                     KAISER

Brashler, William.  THE BINGO LONG TRAVELING ALL-STARS AND MOTOR KINGS.  New York: Harper & Row. 244 pages. $6.95 (An interesting novel about the Black baseball leagues during the summer of 1939.  The Black players had to fight racism of all kinds and their exploiting Black baseball club owner.)

Breman, Paul (editor).  YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT: BLACK VERSE IN ENGLISH.  New York: Penguin Books. 552 pages. $3.25 (paper). (Fairly comprehensive including W.E.B. Du Bois, many African poets, Ed Bullins, Sonia Sanchez, Victor H. Cruz, etc.  Useful biographical introduction to each poet.  Over 100 poets included.  Breman is also editor of an earlier volume of Black poetry, Sixes and Sevens, in the Heritage series of books of Black poetry published by him and distributed by Broadside Press, Detroit, Mich.  Five Black women poets are included in Rising Tides: 20th Century American Women Poets [Washington Square Press] edited by Laura Chester and Sharon Barba.)

Buerkle, Jack V. and Danny Barker.  BOURBON STREET BLACK: THE NEW ORLEANS BLACK JAZZMAN.  New York: Oxford University Press. xi, 244 pages. $7.95. (Illustrated with photographs by Buerkle who is professor of sociology at Temple University and a former musician.  Barker is a long-time guitarist and banjo player with Cab Calloway.)

Cabral, Amilcar.  CABRAL ON NKRUMAH.  Jihad Productions, Box 663, Newark, N.J. 07101. 8 pages. $1.25 (paper). (Speech delivered by Secretary General of PAIGC Amilcar Cabral at the Symposium organized by the Democratic Party of Guinea in memory of Nkrumah, May 13, 1972.  Cabral was murdered Jan. 20 1973.  His book Revolution in Guinea [1969] has his speeches.)

Christine, Bill.  ROBERTO!  New York: Dell Publishing Co. 159 pages. $1.50 (paper). (Roberto Clemente, the great Black Puerto Rican baseball star with the Pittsburgh Pirates, died in a plane crash on Dec. 31, 1972.  He was inducted into Baseball's Hall of Fame, Cooperstown, N.Y., on Aug. 6, 1973.  Other books on Clemente are Arnold Hano's Roberto Clemente: Battling King [Dell] and Roberto Clemente [Grosset and Dunlap] by United Press International.)

Clammer, David.  THE ZULU WAR.  New York: St. Martin's Press. $9.95. (About the war in southern Africa in 1879.  Another book is Cooper R. Omer's The Zulu Aftermath: A Nineteenth-Century Revolution in Bantu Africa, 1967).

De Navi, Donald P. and Doris A. Holmes (editors).  RACISM AT THE TURN OF THE CENTURY: DOCUMENTARY PERSPECTIVE, 1870-1910.  San Rafael, California: Leswing Press. 403 pages. (Documents written mostly by whites but some are by Blacks.  A good compilation.)

Dett, R. Nathaniel.  THE COLLECTED PIANO WORKS OF R. NATHANIEL DETT.  Prefaces by Dominique-René de Lerma and Vivian Flagg McBrier. Summy-Birchard Co., 1834 Ridge Ave., Dept. 573FD1, Evanston, Ill. 60204. 208 pages. $9.75. (Black composer Dett [1882-1943] taught for many years at Hampton Institute.  His piano compositions have been out of print for years.  The Collected Works of Scott Joplin [2 vols.], edited by Vera Brodsky Lawrence, was published in 1971 by the N.Y. Public Library, Lincoln Center.)

DIRECTORY OF AFRICAN STUDIES IN THE UNITED STATES, 1973. (3rd edition) published by the African Studies Assn., 218 Shiffman Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. 02154. $7.00 (domestic); $10.00 (overseas). (This volume lists 235 universities in the U.S. offering courses on Africa.)

Edmonds, A. O. JOE LOUIS.  Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans. $2.25

Transcription Notes:
Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 18:37:03 Reviewed page. added paragraph breaks. fixed typo in CABRAL paragraph. PAIGC, not PAIGG back to review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 13:44:59 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 16:44:23 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 17:07:07 ----------