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Morris, James. THE PREACHERS. New York: St. Martin's Press. $8.95. (This is a book about white evangelists, traveling and on radio and TV, who are using religion to get rich by promising to heal physically and psychologically in exchange for money sent in to them. They are charlatans and fakers victimizing gullible poor people who need help: The Armstrongs, Billy James Hargis, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, Carl McIntire, etc. One Black is included here: Rev. Ike based in New York City. Other Blacks, now strangely in vogue as subjects for Black college students to research, are Father Divine, Daddy Grace, Prophet Jones et al. These and many of the storefront preachers are charlatans who victimize illiterate Blacks who are looking for help. These Black preachers must be distinguished from the bulk of those treated in Charles V. Hamilton's The Black Preacher in America [William Morrow, 1973].)

Morrison, Donald G. et al. BLACK AFRICA: A COMPARATIVE HANDBOOK. The Free Press, Dept. F, Riverside, N.J. 08075. 512 pages $29.95. (This book has comparative data on political, economic and social conditions in 32 independent black African nations.)

Murphy, E. Jefferson. HISTORY OF AFRICAN CIVILIZATION. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell. 448 pages. $12.50. (The focus here is before the colonial period. A similar recent book is John Addison's Ancient Africa [John Day, 1971]. Murphy is also the author of Understanding Africa.)

Murray-Brown, Jeremy. KENYATTA. New York: E. P. Dutton. $12.50. (A biography of Jomo Kenyatta, prime minister of Kenya.)

NATIONAL ROSTER OF BLACK ELECTED OFFICIALS. Joint Center for Political Studies, 1426 H St., N.W., Suite 926, Washington, D.C. 20005. 192 pages. $6.00 (paper); $4.00 (orders of 10 or more). (This is a unique and very useful publication on Black elected officials by the Joint Center for Political Studies, founded in 1970 with Ford Foundation money. The Joint Center services elected officials from the Black and other minority communities and offers information on Blacks to the media.)

Newby. I. A. BLACK CAROLINIANS: A HISTORY OF BLACKS IN SOUTH CAROLINA FROM 1895 TO 1968. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press. xvi, 388 pages. $9.95. (Newby does not use all available sources. More needs to be done on this subject. Newby has authored or edited three other books on segregationists, social scientists and anti-Negro thought in America.)

Newton, Huey P. (with the assistance of J. Herman Blake). REVOLUTIONARY SUICIDE. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. xiv, 333 pages. $8.95. (This is an autobiography of Newton, the founder with Bobby Seale of the Black Panther Party. Also a history of the Party. Newton is now changing the Party from revolutionary violence to survival programs, regular party politics and support for black capitalistic ventures in the ghetto. Newton's other book is To Die for the People. The Writings of Huey P. Newton, 1972.)

Nkrumah, Kwame. REVOLUTIONARY PATH. New York: International Publishers. 532 pages. $12.50 (cloth); $4.25 (paper). (The introduction says: "This book, published posthumously, was compiled during the last two years of the author's life. It was begun in response to many requests for a single volume which would contain key documents, some of them previously unpublished, relating to the development and consistency of Kwame Nkrumah's


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