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Recent Books Kaiser 
$4.95 (paper). (Presents nine complete case studies of Black-owned enterprises aided by Community Business Development Organizations [federally sponsored programs].)
Quarles, Benjamin. THE NEGRO IN TE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. New York: W.W. Norton. xiii, 231 pages. $1.95 (paper). (A new edition by Norton of a book first published in 1961 by the University of North Carolina Press. Quarles is the well-known Black historian and author of many books.)
Redding, Saunders. THEY CAME IN CHAINS: AMERICANS FROM AFRICA. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. 340 pages. $6.25. (This is a revised edition of a book first published in 1950. Redding is the well-known Black author of many books.) 
Reed, Ishmael. CONJURE: SELECTED POEMS, 1963-1970. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. 83 pages. $6.00 (A volume of poetry by the young Black author of three novels: Mumbo Jumbo [1972], The Free-Lance Pallbearers [1967] and Yellow Back Radio Broke-Down [1969] and editor of 19 Necromancers from Now: An Anthology of Original American Writing for the 1970's [1970].) 
Rich, Evelyn Jones and Immanuel Wallerstein. AFRICA: TRADITION AND CHANGE. New York: Random House. (A book for students. EVELYN Rich is black. Another similar book is Colin Turnbull's Tradition and Change in African Tribal Life [World].)
Russell, Ross. BIRD LIVES! THE HIGH LIFE AND HARD TIMES OF CHARLIE (YARDBIRD) PARKER. New York: Charterhouse Books Inc. ix, 404 pages. $8.95. (This is the first full-length biography of the great Black saxophonist Parker. Russell also wrote The Sound, a novel, and Jazz Style in Kansas City and the Southwest. Other books on Parker are Max Harrison's Charlie Parker [1960] and Robert G. Reisner's Bird: The Legend of Charlie Parker [1962].)
Salvador, George. THE BLACK YANKEE. Chicago: William S. Sullwold, Publisher. $3.95 (cloth); $1.95 (paper). (This is the story of Paul Cuffe. Other similar recent books are Sheldon H. Harris's Paul Cuffee: Black America and the African Return [Simon and Schuster] and Johanna Johnston's Paul Cuffee: America's First Black Captain [Dodd, Mead].)
Senna, Carl (editor). THE FALLACY OF I.Q. New York: The Third Press. xv, 184 pages. $7.95. (Another book refuting the idea of Herrnstein, Jenson and others that there is a relationship between race and intelligence—written by several scientists. They prove that I.Q. is directly affected by the social and physical environments. Senna is a Black teacher at the University of Massachusetts.)
THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STATUS OF THE BLACK POPULATION IN THE UNITED STATES, 1972. Current Population Reports; iv, 116 pages. Issued July 1973. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Obtainable from Supt. of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. $2.25 (paper). (The latest edition of this social and economic study of the Black population which is issued annually in July. It covers population distribution, income, employment, education, the family, housing, health and voting.)
Soyinka, Wole. THE MAN DIED: PRISON NOTES OF WOLE SOYINKA. New York: Harper & Row. 317 pages. $8.95. (About the Nigerian playwright,

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