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Strategy for a Black Agenda
A Critique of New Theories of Liberation in the United States and Africa
by Henry Winston
Henry Winston, National Chairman of the U.S. Communist Party, sharply refutes the theories of Neo-Pan-Africanism, Maoism and other current ideologies as expressed by Imamu Baraka, Stokely Carmichael, James Foreman and others. He counters with a Marxist-Leninist strategy for the defeat of racism and imperialism through national and working class unity.
Cloth $7.50   Paper $2.50
391 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10016
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Enclosed is my check or money order of $1.00 for a one year subscription made payable to the AFRICAN AGENDA. I enclose my name, address, city, state and zip code.
The African Agenda is published by the African-American Solidarity Committee. All correspondence should be sent to P.O. Box 1941, Chicago, Ill. 60690. Subscription Price: regular mail one dollar per year. Bookstores and Organizations that order a bulk number per year are allowed a special discount of 40%. 
The African-American Solidarity Committee seeks to inform interested individuals on social and economic developments in African. Anyone interested in the committee should write to the above address.