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monopoly program, and even as we wage our own independent campaign, we support and encourage every step - both inside the electoral arena and outside - that challenges the power of the big corporations which are destroying our lives.  We need to declare our independence from the two-party system and from the monopolies for which both major parties speak.
  As we invite support for our Party's electoral program, we call for the creation of a new anti-monopoly coalition.  We need a new party, an alliance firmly rooted in the working class, embracing racially and nationally oppressed people - black, Chicano, Latino, Asian Pacific and Native American - uniting small farmers, students, pro-fessionals as well as the youth movement, the women's movement, the struggles of seniors and the disabled.  We need a new anti-monopoly alliance uniting every organization and every individual in our country who believe that people ought to come before profits.  An impressive vote for the Communist candidates this time around would be a powerful step in the direction of building this new alliance, for each ballot cast for us will release a ringing demand to put people before profits.
  "People before profits" means that we will do whatever is neces-sary to wipe out, at long last, the poisons of racism and sexism that divide our people while bringing profits and power to our enemies.  
  "People before profits" means that we will reclaim the mineral riches which have been stolen from us, the oil and gas and coal that our labor has mined from this earth only to be turned into profits by big business.
  "People before profits" means that we will reconstruct and ex-pand our collapsing social services, giving every child the right to creative, bilingual, bicultural education, every young person the right to a secure and productive future, every mother the right to economic independence and every senior the right to a healthy and happy retirement.
  "People before profits" means, finally, that we can begin to tread that path which leads toward a society where monopolies will have become mere relics of a bygone era, a socialist society free of all human exploitation.


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 14:25:26