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We do not love them.
We do not love what they have made.
We do not trust them.
We do not believe what they say.
We do not love their efficiency.
Or their power plants.
We do not love their factories.
Or their smog.
We do not love their television programs.
Or their radioactive leaks.
We find their papers boring.
We do not admire their cars.
We do not worship their blondes.
We do not envy their penises.
We do not thing much of their 
We are indifferent to England.
We have grave doubts about their

In short, we who write, paint, sculpt, dance
or sing
share the intelligence and thus the fate
of all our people
in this land.
We are not different from them
neither above nor below
outside nor inside
we are the same.
And we do not love them.

We do not love them.
We do not love their movies.
We do not love their songs.
We do not think their newscasts
Cast the news.
We do not love their president.
We know why the white house is white.
We do not find their children irresistible.
We do not agree they should inherit the earth.