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indigent, there has been a deduction of near (4,000) four thousand rations per month, (that is) (4000) less issued in Jan. than in any month since my arrival on the shore; all who were proper subjects received attention and none were turned away empty who applied; this change was caused by advising those to work who could do any thing. and the result is that they have nearly all found homes and are earning themselves an honest living: the No. in the asylum has been [[strikethrough]] has been [[/strikethrough]] reduced from one hundred & one (101) to (11) eleven- the buildings have been undergoing a change, and will in a few days be in good condition on the Council Tract. Two schools were in operation most of the month and instruction was given to about one hundred & twenty five scholars they are at the present discontinued for want of quarters but will in a few days be in full operation again. The rents due the Bureau were mostly to be paid in grain. I have been unable to collect them having no storehouses to store it in, yet it is ready and can be forwarded when called for. The No. of farms in possession of the bureau is now quite limited. I do not think the property which has been in possession of the government will ever again incur a like risk of confiscation, those who were not active in the rebellion, seem to be least bitter against the acts of the Bureau, and regard its decision with respect in all cases wherein they are concerned. 

I am Very Respectfully Your Ob'dt. Servant
O.S. Pride
Asst. Supt &c

Capt. A.Q.M. and Supt.
1st Dist of Va.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-20 11:39:57 A.Q.M. not A.G.M. Signatory is O.S. Pride, not O. Stride