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laborers. The only diffficulty I labor under at present is the want of some one to make arrests, execute the judgments of the Freedmens Courts and compel the attendance of witnesses. The civil officers decline to act unles they are paid. This very often cannot be done. for instance where the case goes against the Freedman he is too poor to pay the cost of the suit, also where a Freedman is arrested and convicted of larceny there is no way to pay Constable fees as the Freedman has nothing. I would respectfully suggest that where the fees of Constables cannot be collected off parties bringing suit (when decided against them) and from parties convicted of crimes by the Freedmens court; that some provision be made for the payment of Constables fees, if this can be done the civil officers would act and there would be no further difficulty.

Respectfully submitted
Ed. Murphy
1st Lieut 10th Regt V.R.C.
Asst Supt