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since, a boy about 14 years of age did not even know his letters - on yesterday, he unassisted, addressed a letter to an officer on duty here - good spelling & penmanship and which would have done justice to a White boy who had been at school six years.

I regret to say, however, that the Freedmen in this County are much addicted to thieving, setting barns on fire, opening smoke houses and stealing therefrom, but, on account of the ingenuity they use in calling off all suspicion, and the utter impossibility of making them inform on each others, it is very difficult to capture the guilty parties. On this subject I have been in communication with the Mayor & Mr. Massie J.P. and urged the interference of the civil authorities, offering them every military assistance in my power. They promise to give the subject their consideration but as yet have not taken any decided action. At the same time, in justice to the Freedmen, it must be said that, whatever crime is committed in this County, it is certain to be laid at the door of the "Yankee Soldier or the Nigger", whether guilty or not.

In conclusion, I may add that my Endeavours are tending to disabuse the Freedmen of their erroneous ideas of Freedom, which many have been inclined to think are incivility and perfect independence, if not impudence towards those in whose Employ they are, particularly so if their Employers had been previously their owners & masters. There are no Freedmen in this sub District out of employment, as far as I am aware. 

I have the honor to be, 
Most Resp'y 
Your Very Obedt Serv't.
James Joyes
1st Lieut 19th V.R.C. & Asst. Supt.

Through Major T. Frank P Crandon, AQM
Supt. 4th Dist. Va
Gordonsville Va.