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of feeling in existence between the two classes here. I would say, the white population having been educated both by custom and by law, to recognize the negro as a slave; are utterly unable all at once to discard these time-grown and established principles
It is diametrically opposed to the constitution of nature to effect such a mental reevaluation in a few weeks or months yet I am thouroughly convinced in my own mind that the Whites entertain no deep seated and bitter hatred towards the freedmen as many erroneously suppose in the Northern States. On the contrary, so far as my opportunities for judging (and they have not been limited in this County) will warrant a conclusion: they regard the Negro as an object of pity, deserving of all good people's sympathy. And I conscienciously believe they are honest and feeling in their professions for his welfare. The Negro character is eccentric and peculiar. Since my assignment of this post of duty, I have learned how mistaken were many of my impressions in relation to this class of Southern people. And it is very apparent, to the most superficial observer, that none upon the face of the inhabited globe, understand more thoroughly and correctly, the singular traits of the freedmen, than do their former masters. Concluding from the same great stand-point of reason, I think none entertain more sincere feelings of sympathy for them, or know better how to watch after their interest. It seems to be a prevalent idea among the Northern people, that there exists here, a mutual feeling of hatred and aversion between the two races. I feel confident I speak the truth, and render justice to both white and black, when I pronounce this false. It is true there are exceptions to all rules. There are extremists here as there are in all other lands. There are some men whose

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-22 12:27:14