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Orders have been issued, and means provided, for commencing, promptly, and perfecting, as rapidly as the number of Medical Officers will permit, a general system of vaccinations among Freedmen of the District.  If more Officers were at command protection from Small Pox could be much sooner secured - but as much energy as possible [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] will be used with present force.

The general sanitary condition of Freedmen in the District, as a class, and the ratio of self support is [[strikethrough]] increasing [[/strikethrough]] improving.

They are, as a whole, gradually securing more, and better, food, and clothing - there is more neatness in quarters - and other decided improvements.  The general low rate of wages limits these improvements greatly.

The present number of Officers under contract with the Bureau, requiring compensation is Eleven (11). - Three are doing duty in the same number of Counties, without compensation