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his slaves from a man named Teaford to whom the had hired his slave previous to the swiss man, and he has tried to get the balance but the case was brought to my notice and I have ordered Mr. Fraizer (Ex member of the Va Leg'ture) to pay back the grain later by him as hire from the 10th of April until the 1st of July and also ordered Ben Teaford to pay the Freedman the face amt. of grain due from the first of July until the time the Freedman in question ceased to work for him — I have had a case reported to me in which a colored man was struck thirty-nine lashes — by his former owner because he got an order or statement from Gen Duvall last June and took it to his master to prove that he was a freeman. I will report the facts in the case, as soon as I have heard them from both parties.

I am most inclined to think the people of the surrounding county are less inclined to do justice to the Freedman than I was when I arrived here,

There seems to be a strong disposition on the part of many persons in this place to annoy the school teachers and to disturb the children on their way to school. I have endeavored to put a stop to this and was beginning to think I had been successful when a day or two ago a case was reported to me of an assault made by a boy upon a colored girl, the cause assigned by the boy for

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-20 18:46:05