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part of the Court to define the prisoners of the bennefits of the law, in their several cases -

The excitement produced among the prisoners shortly after the decision of the government in reference to the Freedmen's Bureau Bill" has now all  passed away  they were told by some unauthorized designing persons that I was to go away & that they (the Freedmen) were to be sent back to their former masters  I got them together and assured them that such was not the intention of the government, which has now entirely quieted them - Many of them were even preparing to leave the County declareing that if the "Bureau Man" went away dis was no place for us poor critters" &c.

I believe from a close observation that the feeling between the two races is not of such a distrustful character as it was about one month ago. Every body is busy and apparently do not find time to quarrel about small matters.

I am Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
W. A. MacNulty
2nd Lieut V.R.C. & Asst Supt
Freedmen &c.

Thro Maj. Gen. Johnson VRC & }
Supt. 10th Va. Dist. }