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Bureau of R.F.+.A.L
Office of Asst Supt
Culpeper C.H. Va
March 29th 1866

Capt T. Frank. P. Crandon
A.Q.M + Supt 4th Dist Va

In compliance with circular No 6 C.S. Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner Va Richmond Va Jan 29th 1866.  I have the honor to report the State of Affairs in this Sub District much improved.  The Freedmen are almost without an exception at work.  There is a deficiency of labor which is remedied by Freedmen brought from Alexandria + Washington.  A large number of the citizens make their own contracts and do not bring to my office to be recorded.  The State of feeling between the Whites and the Freedmen improves for the reason that the Freedmen surpass the expectations of the Whites.  Farmer are busy Ploughing and tell me they are going make large crops

I am Capt Very Respectfully
Your VH Servt-
2nd Lt 18th V.R.C. + Asst Supt