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No. 10 from Richmond, which directed that all criminal cases whould be at once turned over to the civil authorities.  A number of these dens of iniquity still remain, and there is no immediate prospect that Norfolk will be rid of these Prst Houses.
   Six cases of felony were sent up from the Bureau Court of Norfolk Co for trial before a Military Commission.  Of these six were for Burgulary, three for Grand Larceny, and one for Horse Stealing.  Two of these cases have since been referred to the civil courts, and one has been dismissed.  Since the 23d inst. all freedmen charged with crime have been tried by the civil law.  Owing to the reductions in my critical force, I have been unable to attend often the courts presided over by the Magistrates, byt as yet no complaint has been made of the manners in which they have administered justice toward the freedmen.
   The Small Pox has broken out among the freedmen of this county, ad during the month several deaths have taken place.  The city of Portsmouth have on Prst House, several