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seems to be getting along very well and are gaining property, of different  kinds quite fast considering their situatio and its advantages.  I observe a marked change for the better in their dress and behavior since my last monthly report, it is indeed gratifying to every friend of this much improved race; to note the manner in which they  bear themselves during this trying period of their passage, from the dark ear of bondage, into the glorious day and light of Freedom.
   There are now two schools in session in the county, giving employment to three female teachers; the attendance is very large, a singe school having as high as ninety schollars enrolled and in attendance during fair weather; some of the schollars daily walk a distance of eight miles to attend school, all exhibit a great desire and ability to learn, and a few give inclination by their remarkable progress, of superior minds, such as will one day, by the blessing of the Almighty, be the means of showing to the world, that intellect is not governed by the color of an individual's skin, and do more, toward removing the unjust prejudice which exists against them, than all the means now made use of for that purpose by the friends of truth and justice.
   The teachers are much encouraged, in their good work by their success, and labor faithfully for the good of their pupils , the results of