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the work, will I think, before many months astound the most sanguine friend and observer of the progress of the Freedmen toward the full enjoyment of libertty, the feeling against the teachers contiunues to be antagonistic, but no open demonstrations are made, or direct insults offered them
   The small pox has been prevailing in this subdistrict during the present month.  some fifteen cases are reported and under medical treatment, they are chiefly returned soldiers, a few others have contracted the disease from them.  Dr Warner Surgeon for the Bureau, has taken steps toward prevailing the spread of the contagion, and patients are removed to the pest houses soon as the disease developes itself.
   The government saw mill near Franktown was in operation during the month, and the receipts were fifty two dollars and --- cents (52$ +/100)
No contracts  were made, nor any other monies received.
Respectfully submitted
 O.S. Pride
Asst Supt RF and AL

To Captain James A Bates
Acting Asst Adjt Genl
State  of Virginia