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2 450 Acres in Cultivation
3 I employ twelve hands. - Who were all our slaves
4 We raise corn, tobacco, wheat and oats
5 The freedmen with me, do not work as well as when slaves
6 Do not think they work as well as they did last year
7 We employ them by the month at $8 and $10
8 It is safer I think to employ them for part of the crop
9 We are planting about 120 acres of corn
10 And 100 000 plants of tobacco
11 None of our women work in the field
12 Do not work much at home
13 The freedmen have control over their families, but do not exercise it.
14 The young folks are disposed to be idle.
15 A great many hogs are stolen -
16 By the negroes but they do not steal more than formerly
20 The freedmen have a great desire to go to towns and cities.
21 I don't think they have strong local attachments
22 My negroes are not as respectful as they used to be.
24 I think the white people are disposed to act fairly withthe negroes. - but they do not reciprocate, in good feeling
25 I have not  heard of any instances of oppression - The employers do not attempt to whip them - the employers some times with the permission of the parents whip the children
26 I hear frequently of freedmen leaving without cause - They have no appreciation of the nature of a contract - that is - generally so - Some of them have,
27 They take no thought for the future
28 I think their condition in respects to home comforts worse

Transcription Notes:
Line 25 - can't make out word ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-23 13:23:42 Removed indenting to fix formatting Line 21, "local" attachments, not "love" attachments line 24, changed dispised to disposed Lime 25, missing word was permission ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-23 14:09:44