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Bureau R F and A Lands.
Sub Dist of Fluvanna
Palmyra Va April 30th 1866

Capt T Frank P Crandon
AQM and Supt 4th Dist
Gordonsville Va.

I have the honor respectfully to report per Circular No 6 CS, Head Qrs. Asst Comr, Richmond Va., that as far as I have been able to learn, by indirect information, and general observation, the majority of the Freed people are endeavoring to be industrious, though many of them are not very economical. A very large portion have some time left this county, and gone elsewhere, consequently those remaining have no excuse for being in idleness. I have seen no cause for censuring the Whites, and as far as I have Seen on the part of the former master there is a disposition to be just, and all I have had conversation with, Say that they wish to conform themselves as fast as possible to the new order of things, and endeavor once more to get the country again in a state of prosperity, the country I sense is sparsely settled, and both the Planter and Colored people are confined to the plantations: the country is poor, and the people disheartened.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
E.G. Budd
Lt VRC Ass Supt.

Transcription Notes:
E.G. Budd--confirmed by other FB sources