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Their [[There]] are only one school in this county for the education of colored persons. The school is presided over by a Mr. Crenshaw who is a minister and a pastor of one of the churches in this County. I am informed that he (Mr. Crenshaw) has been notified by a certain portion of his congregation that he she will withdraw their support from his church if he continues to teach colored children .

Their [[There]] is another class of white men in this county but (unfortunately) they are in the minority, who think the colored people are verry [[very]] industrious and work as well now as when the [[they]] were slaves. This class inchourages [[encourages]] the education of the colored people. 

They colored people have no prejudice against the whites, they (the colored people) are working verry [very]] well. And in my opinion no class of labourers can be more industrious. They need schools and churches verry [[very]] bad and would build them if the white men would sell them land to build on. 

They Freedmen are all working but verry [[very]] many of them have entered into verry [[very]] unfavorable contracts, this is owing to the fact that the employers
