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The bug-bear of Social Equality, is I am sorry to say, beginning to loom up in public discussion, and social converse — chiefly I think from a misapprehension of the nature of the Civil Rights Bill. This is a germ of bad-feeling that will produce a jealousy and antagonism between the two classes, which is unnatural as it is deplorable; while in my opinion it is inevitable.

The opinion is gradually gaining ground in this County, that the negro is the proper laborer for the Virginia plantation, although, it is a question by no means settled favorably to the freedman —

Many persons have very gloomy doubts on this subject.

It is the general testimony of planters that the freedmen are working well — incomparably better than they did last year. This testimony, however, only relates to those freedmen who have hired by the month, or for part of the crop. Those who work by the job, with the exception of tradesmen are generally idle and dishonest — 

I have heard it said, that there is a general desire on the part of the freedmen to "do for themselves" — that is, to rent pieces of land, and work upon their own responsibility. I do not know that such is the truth.

Those with whom I have talked, appear to be satisfied with the present system, which I have no

Transcription Notes:
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