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Court to test the experiment. He cannot understand, nor can I, why a simple Contract, which he has made orally with his employer, should be rendered unintelligible by being put into writing
Some Contracts have been brought to this office for approval, which had a penalty for quitting service, of the whole wages, or the whole interest in the crop. We have in all cases reduced the penalty to "one half". I have no doubt that there are many Contracts which have not been brought here for approval, that have the penalty of full wages
Occasionally, in case of difficulty, such Contracts are brought into Court.
I have been astonished at the freedman's disregard for these penalties, when they have determined to leave. In one instance, a freedman whose sole motive was an offer of two dollars a month more by another planter, voluntarily, and apparently cheerfully paid the penalty of thirty dollars, rather than stay with his old employer, against whom he had no charges whatever to make.

The Freedman at Home
The general impression is that the freedmen have very imperfect control of their families -- never having been compelled to assume

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 13:55:05