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Interrogatories relative to the conditions of the Freedman and free labor

1 What is the extent of your plantation?
2 How many acres are in cultivation?
3 How many hands do you employ, and how many of them were formerly your slaves? 
4 What crops do you raise? 
5 How do the freedmen work - comparitively with their work as slaves? 
6 Do they work better than they did last year?
7 How do you employ them?  If by the month, at what wages? 
8 Which is the better system - to hire by the month, or to give part of the crop? - Why?
9 How much corn are you planting this year?
10 How much tobacco?
11 Do the women work in the field? 
12 Do they work indoors - and in what way?
13 What is the government of the families?
14 Are the young people disposed to be industrious or idle? 
15 Is there much theft committed in your neibhorhood?
16 By what  [[?]] of negroes or whites comitted
17 Are there in your community any freedman who have rented houses and are not hired out?
18 If so - how do they subsist, and how do they work?
19 How do they live compared with those who are hired out?
20 Is there any disposition on the part of the freedman to emigrate?
21 Have they strong local attachments?
22 Is their conduct respectful toward their employers?
23 Is there a Sabbath or day school in the niebhorhood for freedmen? 
24 What is the state of feeling between whites and blacks?
25 Do you know of any instances of oppression, or cruelty, on the part of Employees?
26 Do you know of many instances where the hands have left their employers without cause?
27 Do the freedmen manifest a disposition to save money - or to accumulate property?
28 How is their condition in respect to the comforts of home, compared with their condition in Slavery?
29 Would it be profitable to either planter or freedmen, to rent lands to the latter, at a certain money rent, or a portion of the crop - to be worked at the sole discretion of the freedmen?