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Gen. S.C. Armstrong Supt. 9th Dist for a guard of a Corporal and three men. This guard was promptly furnished, (arriving here on the 22d inst) Since the arrival of the guard, but his cases of refusal to obey the summons issued from this office, have occurred. An armed guard in each case, promptly brought the derelict parties in and their cases were at once disposed of.

The Freedmen's court has not yet been established in this county, owing to the refusal of the whites to select a person to represent them therein - they (the whites) alleging as an excuse that there was no pay attached to the office. Were a small salary paid for performing its duties, I have no doubt, a dozen persons could be found both eager and willing to serve. 

Steps have however, been taken, which lead me to hope that an election will soon be held by the white population of this county to select a competent person to act as their agent. Meantime, cases proper to be brought before the Freedmen's Court, are acted upon by the Asst. Supt. 

Sixty eight cases chiefly comprising claims by the blacks against the whites for labor during the year 1865, yet remains to be adjudicated, besides others that are coming in daily.

Thirty (30) rations are issued (principally to aged and infirm persons) every month.