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No schools for the Freedmen are yet in operation in this county, although measures have been inaugurated by them looking toward the establishment of at least one school during the coming fall.

The health of the Freedmen generally in this county is good. No cases of small pox or other virulent, or contagious diseases having occurred among them. There is no Physician appointed in this county to attend the indigent sick among the Freedmen. Dr. C.L. Gwyn, a resident of Gloucester C.H., however, kindly offered to attend free of charge (providing the medicines were furnished him) such of the Freedmen as were unable to pay for the services of a physician. His offer was accepted by me, and a small supply of medicines and a quantity of vaccine virus procured from Dr. Kinney, at Yorktown, has been furnished him.

There are no unemployed Freedmen (except those to whom rations are issued) in this county so far as I can ascertain. Many of the Freedmen are at work cultivating farms or shares, while others are working for small, and in many cases it is feared, unremunerative  wages. 

Many have made contracts for the present year, and the importance and 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-26 22:50:56 Corrected "Gwin" to Gwyn