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A few cases of complaint of still less importance have been made.

No fines have been imposed and no funds collected from any source,
Able bodied men who are hired by the year are receiving from ten (10) to twelve (12) dollars per month, a few only as high as fifteen (15) doallars.  Women are readily obtaining from four (4) to six (6) dollars, some eight (8) when there are no children to be fed.

Boys from 12 to 16 years of age readily command from four (4) to six (6) dollars per month, board of course in all cases included

Twenty five to fifty men women and minors could find employment and good homes, together with fair wages, immediately.

Many Freedmen are cultivating farms on Shares, receving from two thirds to three fifths of the products which plan there can be no doubt, will work to the mutual interests and satisfaction of all parties interest

There are but few aged and dependent Freedment, and in most cases by aiding the, somewhat furnishing them Rations & clothing, they can be made comfortable untill another winter when it is presumed the County will be prepared to provide for them at its Poor House