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I regret to report, that the murderer of Benj. MeCar (Freedman) Thos. Dooley is still at large. I have no evidence that special efforts for his arrest have been made by the civil authorities.

It was an unprovoked brutal outrage and the deceased has left a dependent wife and two children (one of them born since his death) who are liable to require aid from the Bureau. I have already furnished her with some articles of clothing)

There are no schools in this county for the colored children, I think it important that one should be established here, and a small one might also be gathered at Millwood.

The citizens in general appear to be submissive to the results of the war, emancipation &c but I am fully convinced that without the presence of Military or Bureau officers or agents, the treatment of the colored people by a portion of the Ex Slaveholders & others would make their condition very uncertain, and I fear, worse if possible than when slaves.

I trust this would not be the general fact, but to a great extent, I am sure it would