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office, until said Circular is modified by not requiring the attendance of an officer on the trials provided for therein the Court claims tis simply espionage) I have not been instructed what course to pursue when civil tribunals capriciously refuse to do their duty

There are as I have before reported a bad class of negroes around Suffolk. Since my last report seven of these worthies have been committed for burglaries and horse stealing A well-meaning magistrate Benj. Reddick, a member of my Court, is discharging his duty preliminary to the punishment of crime, even though the Courts refuse to do their part

There have been four fatal cases of small-pox recently in my Sub Dist; there was one white among the number

I have nothing additional since my last report to communicate in regards to the state of feeling existing between the whites and blacks: that there is an antagonism which will never decrease till the negro is extinct or disgracefully subdued, no close observer