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Lieut. Edwin Lyon
Charlotte County May 18, 1866. 

Dear Sir

In answer to your interrogatories in reference to the condition of Freedmen and the success of free labor in our community I respectfully present the following as my views and opinions for the various questions and subjects propounded to me in your communications 

1st What is the extent of your plantation 
Answr. About nine hundred and sixty acres, including forest. 

2. How many acres in cultivation 
Ans, I have about 400 acres of arable land which is cultivated in three fields or shifts of about equal quantity and fertility, one field of which lies idle every year or is used a part of the year for pastorage.  

3d Quest. How many hands do you employ and how many of them were formerly your slaves.  
Answ. I employ (40) forty in all, including women and children, of whom 7 seven are full grown men, 10 ten grown women, 1 girl about 14 years old, and 5 boys between 12 and 15 years of age, the remaining 17 are children of no use as laborers, all the family, viz: the whole 40 were formerly my slaves excepting 2 men who are the husbands of two of the women included in the above statement 2 women and 2 boys which leaves 34 who were were my slaves. 

4th What crops do you raise. 
Ansr. Corn, wheat, tobacco, oats for consumption and for sale, besides the various vegetable crops for the use of the family, and also cotton and flax enough to clothe the family, both summer and winter 

5th Do the Freedmen work as well as when slaves. 
Ansr.  I do not think they work quite as well as they did when slaves, but I cannot say there is much difference, only they are not disposed to go out as early in the morning as formerly in other respects they do as well when they are satisfied with the employer and when the employer bestows his personal attention in directing and planning the farming operations of the day. 

6th Do they work as well or better than they did last year. 
Ansr.  Fully as well, but I do not know that there is much improvement

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-23 13:11:42 because there were many more than 2 [?] remaining Propound: to put forward or offer for consideration, acceptance, or adoption; set forth; propose: to propound a theory ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-25 12:28:07