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7th How do you employ them by the month or by the crop. 
Answr  By the month, I have never employed by the crop.  

8  Which system is best. 
Answr. I do not know as I have never tried them by the crop but I prefer to employ them by the month for many reasons. one of the chief of which would be that I could direct and manage the crop according to my own judgement, and a bargain of this kind is much more easily understood by the Freedman.  He is unaccustomed to calculations except of the most simple kind, and would be hard to understand a joint partnership involving so many subjects of division and dispute necessarily arising and growing out of such a contract.

9th  How many acres of corn are you planting this year.
Answr. About 80 or 90 acres

10th  How many acres of Tobacco
Answr: About 15 acres 80 acres in Oats and 15 in wheat

11th  Do your women work in the field.
Answr: Some of them regularly and all of them are required to do so if I think it necessary for the saving of the crop though this is is very seldom the case.

12th  How do they work in doors
Answr: They do not work well either in or out of doors, and I think there is a growing disposition among them to do little or nothing any where.  They are never worked out except in good weather and then only employed in the lighter labor of the farm, but I find they are becoming rather disinclined to work for an employer either in the house or in the field, and their husbands have but little control over them as is often the case among more cultivated people. I have not tried the plan of employing the husband alone, and he to support his own family, they living upon the plantation doing nothing excepting what is agreeable to themselves, which is literally nothing at all  the husband in the meantime buying from this employer all the provision required for their support.  I do not think a [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] family living in this way will have any