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surplus left at the end of the year under such a system, Besides I cannot conceive of a more injudicious plan or disagreeable situation than to have 8 or 10 idle women upon any plantation over whom then can no control be exercised either for their own good or the good of their families - They may do a little spinning and that is all the raw material of which they have to buy and which if it amount to employment more than one day in the week - my own opinion about labor in our present situation is that all must labor white and colored, male and female, old and young, before we can expect much improvement in our social conditions
13th what is the government in the families,
Answ. The government is very loose and uncertain, the parents take but little authority over their children and consequently the children do not know the importance of obedience and training for the promotion of their future welfare. I am however disposed to think that is not owning to a want if interest in the welfare of the children; but cheifly on account of the past life and habits of the parents in a state of Slavery, who have no knowledge of the responsibility of the relation. All were subject to the order and command of the master, and the children were only trained by the parent so far as they could be made serviceable to the conscience and comfort of the parents, and I might further add that I think the present generation of Colored people who have lately emerged from a state of slavery must be very imperfectly qualified for training the young in habits of industry, and teaching them the art of living and making provision for their future comfort, happiness, and prosperity. The improvement of the Negro must be a work of time patient effort and perseverance on his part, he cannot suddenly be elevated to a state of such moderate advancement in the scale of civilization, but his progress must be slow and gradual, and will require the constant exercise of his own physical and mental efforts, as well as all aid that he can get from the humanity of the white race and the action of laws favourable to the promotion of his social and intellectual condition.
16th Are the young men and boys disposed to be idle or industrious
Ansr. They are more disposed to be idle but I think this proceeds more