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of from the want of the exercise of proper authority and training on the part of the parents. I believe the negro can learn all useful arts and the usual branches of academic education as well as any other race of people but I do not think they can ever equal what are termed the higher races of mankind, in boldness, energy and perseverance of character, in self denial, moral firmness, and other higher attributes of human nature.

15th  Is there any theft in the neighborhood 
Answr. I occasionally hear of instances of stealing, such as bacon and other provisions, but I cannot say that theft is very common or that there is more than formerly in the neighborhood.

16th  By what class whites or blacks committed.
Answr.  I do not know, rather think chiefly by the blacks

17th  Do you know if any Freedman who rent houses or lots who are not hired out.

18th  How do they make their living & what is their character
Anwr. I do. Some of them live upon provisions, which they made the past year, others work at such jobs as they can get by the week or day, which their wives and children do but little or nothing at home, their character is about the same in general with those who are employed regularly on farms.  I have rented a House and as much land as he chooses to cultivate the present year to one of my freedmen, who is quite an industrious man of fair intelligence and by trade a course or rough carpenter, and allow his father to work with him on the land, I only charge him $'65 rent for a new dwelling, and nothing for the land by the year, and I do not think he will do any better if as well as these who are employed as farm hands at $100 per annum, their provisions furnished by me with some of the privileges of making negotables, raising chicken & and which were allowed to them in a state of Slavery, I think the great [[?]] among them all and it is very general one is that they appear to have no disposition to require their wives and