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and children to do even ordinary work, and have no forecast as to future subsistence, they are willing to work for money and find themselves in clothes, and where they get the money, instead of buying clothing or particles of family comfort, they will spend it in trifles of no value to themselves or their families-This generation will never learn economy or management, they are not stimulated by the motives which usually act [[upon]] the white race to improve their worldly circumstances, they go for present employment without much thought of the future, and without education and long training can never reach any high state of social improvement. As to social equality with the whites, it will be utterly [[improbable]], no laws, no improvement in their mental or moral could ever produce that result, the Leopard will not change his spots and the Ethiopian his skin just as soon, and a [[gulph]] as impapible as that which has between Diver and [[Lagau]]
with separate them from social Equality-I have no doubt that with just laws protecting them in all their rights of person and property, by kindness and fair dealing from the whites, they may make a useful and perhaps an industrious labouring population, but they never can  be any thing more, even this result will be a work of time patience and perseverance - I have always felt a deep interest in the welfare of the negro race as it has [[?]] among our southern people, and those a system of gradual emancipation was the only mode of which his condition could be improved and I doubt very much whether as a people they would have been much benefitted by that; as to sudden emancipation I have ever thought it must ultimately result in the final extinction of the whole race -
[[Question]] 19th How do they live with [[?]] it to house comfort, compared to Freedman who work by the month.
Answ. I do not know that there is much difference if any it is in favor of those who work by the month - I think there is but little his position among any to add to the comforts and