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farms yielded no profits to the proprietor and barely sufficient to support the labourer and consumer who lived upon the Land- now I do not believe that [[strikethrough]] ny one [[/strikethrough]] a proprietor could rent or lease any quantity of land either large or small to [[strikethrough]] any [[/strikethrough]] white persons with any prospect of profit either temporary or for using the further improvement of the farm, if the same ruinous system shall prevail as has heretofore been followed by our people, and I have no good reason to think any better system will be adopted in the future - If this is my opinion in regard to the whites I think the freedman could not do [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] so well because they have never had the control or management of land or labor, and were never taught to think and act for themselves and can only work to profit and advantage under the supervision and direction of a competent Superintendant - I would be glad and willing to divide my land into parcels and settle each head of a family of my former Freedman on separate farms to be worked by themselves at their own discretion or even under my direction and supervision, if I had the least reason to think I had the slightest prospect of keeping the land in its present condition and paying me [[strikethrough]] most [[/strikethrough]] a very moderate rent I would even say one half the usual rent required by the custom of the country - As I have before observed it will take time perseverance and patience to learn them either the value of labors, improvement, both mental & moral judgement, good management, economy, industry and perseverance, all of which are very essential to the promotion of their temporal welfare and happiness- So far as forecast, management and the exercise of reason and Judgement about the future is required. I do not think the present generation can succeed in making much advancement in the art of requiring a comfortable and liberal livelihood - What the young and rising generation will do I am unable to say, but I hope most sincerely that they may be trained and brought up in such a manner as to enjoy the full benefits of their freedom, and reach a higher state of civilization than their parents can ever hope or expect to attain.

Transcription Notes:
Haven't attempted all the strikethrough's yet