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destitution among them. The small amount of rations drawn by me this month were more to assist poor widows with large families to support themselves than actually to support them altogether. Little charity given in that manner keeps them from the Poor House, makes them work hard for I regret to say that from the accts I receive from W.A. Brown the Overseer of the Poor, the poor house is not as virtuous a place, as a charitable concern ought to be.
The transfer of civil cases to the State Courts, in my opinion has been detrimental to the interests of both races. Our courts took cognizance at small cost of little cases on both sides, which it is now found, takes much more money & time to recover. This is the opinion of many of the citizens.
I have the honor to be, Colonel,
Very respy your obed servt
James Joyes
1 Lieut VRC AS