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very wholesome check of the Bureau, that in a very short time disaster would prevail. For where the Freedmen are the stronger party, I do not think that any civil officer could make any arrest after any offense: and where the whites are the stronger, they would be inclined to bear in some cases heavy on the Freedmen.
Crops in this county are in a very prosperous condition, and a large and fruitful harvest is anticipated.
There are but two in this county whom I am aware, draw Rations, one a sick Widdow, and the other a decrepid old man.
I am happy to state that arrangements are being made to start two Schools in this County, and I am in hopes that by the end of June, I will be able to report a large number of schollars.
In submitting the above, I am
Very respectfully
Your obedt Svt
C.H. Warrens
Capt VRC Asst Sup